Join the Greater Monroe Chamber of Commerce
When you support the Chamber by becoming a member, you’re supporting your community.
Now, is the Best Time to Join!
The Chamber is an integral part of a larger vision intended at reviving all businesses and organizations in the Monroe, Harriman, Chester and neighboring towns.
We’ve made it very easy for you to join us today. The secure form on the next page is the first and only step for registration. Once you complete the registration form to become a member, you will be able to submit your annual membership fee of $175. We accept payment online by credit card as well as by check mailed to our P.O. Box.
Once you’ve registered as a paid member, you will be able to upload your logo, company information, special deals, photos of your products, or listing of your services. You can update your information any time you wish, and your organization will be automatically added to our membership directory. If you wish to become a member, but not sign up securely on this page, please click here to download and print out the application, so that you can mail it to us with a check.
The Greater Monroe Chamber of Commerce is registered as a not-for-profit corporation with the I.R.S and with NY State. Membership dues and donations may be tax deductible, please check with your accountant. The Chamber is a not-for-profit information and advocacy organization for member and area businesses.
Please click here to read our approved Greater Monroe Chamber of Commerce, Inc. By-Laws before joining