Chamber Member Benefits
Reasons for joining the Chamber. It’s not just to belong, it’s to help shape the fate of our community.
Be Part of the Mission
Our Mission is to create a unique, vibrant business community through the development of relationships and business resources.
The below is a growing list of GMCoC membership benefits:
- Presence on the Chamber’s web site including directory listing, featured businesses spotlight etc.
- Speaking opportunities – members have a chance to receive audience with the other chamber members and guests at the monthly meeting. This includes a 10-20 min presentation on a pre-approved topic.
- Members will be able to post events and news bits about your businesses on the Chamber’s Social Networking channels including but not limited to Facebook (pending approval)
- Event listings on the Chamber’s web site and future publications (event submitted pending approval of webmaster)
- Inclusion in the Chamber’s Newsletters (articles submitted by members pending approval of the newsletter editor)
- Sponsorship opportunities at discounted rates
- Hosting a Chamber mixer
- Groups promotions for all local businesses
- Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting Program
- Power Networking Events – for most events members are admitted free of charge
- Business Mixers – for most events members are admitted free of charge
- Attend events with speakers on topics of interest to our local business community
- A voice in Government
- Local community involvement
- Culture related events
- Arrange discounts using group power e.g. insurance and benefits
- Media (radio, TV) ad space purchase
- Enjoy business opportunities via cross-promotions with other Chamber members
- Enjoy discounts on purchases offered by Chamber members to other Chamber members
- Participate in running community events
- Organize promotions
- Advertise the value of doing business with Chamber members
- Chamber members will be identified as such by decal and web site approved logo link