The Greater Monroe Chamber of Commerce Invites you to...
Grow Your Business With the Chamber
Consumers, Find Local Businesses Ready to Help You:

As a Chamber, We Support, Promote, Connect and are a Resource for Local Businesses in Monroe and Surrounding Areas!
At the core, GMCoC’s main role is to support the growth and prosperity of local businesses. We provide resources, networking opportunities, and trainings that help businesses succeed. Successful businesses create jobs, stimulate economic growth, and contribute to the overall vitality of the community.
Building Community and Business to Create a Sustainable Local Economy...
Your Greater Monroe Chamber of Commerce

Upcoming Events
Look up local events from organizations local to you. You can see village events, town events, non-profit events you'd like to support, or ribbon cuttings you'd like to attend for new businesses in the area.

Business Directory
Look up local businesses ready to help you with your needs. Whether you're looking for a plumber, electrician, catering hall, photographer, DJ, or just a place to eat and relax, you'll find it here.

Job Postings
Looking for work? Looking for staff? This section has a little of both. Working local saves you time, money and energy. See who's hiring and when. Chamber members post jobs for free.

Local Deals
Our members offer special deals that can save you time and money. Deals change often, so check back often, or join our email list to be automatically notified of new deals and deadlines.

Ready to Join the Chamber?
Our Mission is to create a unique, vibrant business community through the development of relationships and business resources. Here's how you can be part of our mission.

Want More Recognition?
The GMCoC established a Corporate Sponsorship Program that provides opportunities for members to gain increased exposure and recognition.